On page SEO is the process of optimizing the content of your website. This includes the meta tags, images, description keywords and links on your website.
Selection Of Domain
Selection of Web Hosting
Title Tag
Internal & Outbound Links
Sitemap / Rss
Heading Tags (H1, H2.....)
Use of Images Alt tag
Web-Page Navigation
Keyword density
Anchor tags
Page Rank
Title Tag:
The MOST important aspect of on-page SEO
A title tag is the line of text that is normally displayed at the top of the browser window. For most search engines, the maximum length of a title tag to be displayed is 63 characters. If our title tag is over 63 characters, your title will be cut off around 63 characters on the search results.
Search engine spiders use these title tags as the main source for determining the page topic.
<title>keyword1 – keyword2 - keyword3 </title>
Title appears as the click-able link in the SERPs pages.
Meta-Keywords and Meta-Descriptions:
Google uses your site description to list your site in its results. Choose whatever keywords you think are appropriate, separated by commas. Remember to include synonyms, Americanisms and so on. So, if you had a page on cars, you might want to include keywords such as car, cars, vehicles, automobiles and so on.
Searchers type in specific words into the search engines and they expect the engines to provide results that match their original query. We know that the search engines look at over 200 different signals to determine the relevance of any page against the keyword searched. The title tag one of them, but a very key one at that. You don't necessarily need your keyword in the title tag for it to come up in the search results, but it helps a great deal.
But what about the visitor? What does the searcher see? Let say a searcher types "how to be beautiful" into the search engine and two results are displayed. One reads "How to Look Good and Feel Great" and another reads "How to Look Beautiful Even When you Don't Feel Like It." Which of these two is more likely to be clicked by the visitor? It's entirely likely both pages address the same concerns, but only one uses the searched keyword. More than likely, the second result will get far more clicks than the first, even if it is in a lower position in the results
Common mistakes
Same on Every Page: Each page in your site is unique, or at least it should be. This means your title tags should be unique on each page as well. On a lot of sites you'll see the same title tag across all the pages "Welcome to My Site, or something like that. That hardly describes the page at all. And show that in the search results, you're not likely to get any clicks.
Go through the site and customize each title, ensuring it uniquely and accurately describes the content of the page.
Leading with Business Name: There are good reasons to have your business name present in title tag, but that should not be by default. If you use your business name be sure to think through the reasoning and make sure it's sound. The limitations of the title tag make using your business name something you do only with great care and consideration. I'll discuss this more in a bit.
List of Keywords: Wanting to get your keywords in the title tag makes it tempting to just try to throw as many in there as you possible can. "Beauty | Makeup | Makeovers | Diet | Healthy Skin." Sure that gets all your keywords in there but does nothing to make someone want to click on the result. This means that (gasp!) you have to use keywords sparingly so you can also make the title something worth clicking on.
Lack of Description: Aside from getting your primary keywords in the title, and making it compelling, you also have to make sure the title tag provides enough of a description of the content to ensure it gets a targeted click. No sense having someone click into the site only to find the information on the page isn't what they expected. Make sure that the title describes the content in a compelling and keyword friendly way.
<Meta name="description" content=" " />
<Meta name="keywords" content=" " />
Meta Description and Keywords
The Meta Description tag will often show up in the search results. Generally what you see in the SERPs is the clickable title link and then the description tag or page snippet just below it. If the description is pulled in to the results, it becomes a very important part of helping entice visitors to click on the link into your site. If your description tag fails to properly or adequately tell your visitors whats on the page then it's likely they'll click on another result.The general rule is that you want each of your description tags to be unique. The description should be a 20-40 word summary of what the visitor will expect to find on that page, and that page only. Descriptions for each page should be unique from the next. Make sure you summarize the page in a unique way, using primary and secondary keywords while making it compelling to searchers.
Heading Tags (H1,H2.....)
The H1 and H2 Texts are highly important – Why? They show the search engine the main subjects and Table of Contents for the content to be indexed. Make these keyword friendlyand reflective of your page’s title tag.
<H1>Google sees this text as more important</H1>
On Page SEO Techniques
Selection Of Domain
Selection of Web Hosting
Title Tag
Internal & Outbound Links
Sitemap / Rss
Heading Tags (H1, H2.....)
Use of Images Alt tag
Web-Page Navigation
Keyword density
Anchor tags
Page Rank
Title Tag:
The MOST important aspect of on-page SEO
A title tag is the line of text that is normally displayed at the top of the browser window. For most search engines, the maximum length of a title tag to be displayed is 63 characters. If our title tag is over 63 characters, your title will be cut off around 63 characters on the search results.
Search engine spiders use these title tags as the main source for determining the page topic.
<title>keyword1 – keyword2 - keyword3 </title>
Title appears as the click-able link in the SERPs pages.
Meta-Keywords and Meta-Descriptions:
Google uses your site description to list your site in its results. Choose whatever keywords you think are appropriate, separated by commas. Remember to include synonyms, Americanisms and so on. So, if you had a page on cars, you might want to include keywords such as car, cars, vehicles, automobiles and so on.
Searchers type in specific words into the search engines and they expect the engines to provide results that match their original query. We know that the search engines look at over 200 different signals to determine the relevance of any page against the keyword searched. The title tag one of them, but a very key one at that. You don't necessarily need your keyword in the title tag for it to come up in the search results, but it helps a great deal.
But what about the visitor? What does the searcher see? Let say a searcher types "how to be beautiful" into the search engine and two results are displayed. One reads "How to Look Good and Feel Great" and another reads "How to Look Beautiful Even When you Don't Feel Like It." Which of these two is more likely to be clicked by the visitor? It's entirely likely both pages address the same concerns, but only one uses the searched keyword. More than likely, the second result will get far more clicks than the first, even if it is in a lower position in the results
Common mistakes
Same on Every Page: Each page in your site is unique, or at least it should be. This means your title tags should be unique on each page as well. On a lot of sites you'll see the same title tag across all the pages "Welcome to My Site, or something like that. That hardly describes the page at all. And show that in the search results, you're not likely to get any clicks.
Go through the site and customize each title, ensuring it uniquely and accurately describes the content of the page.
Leading with Business Name: There are good reasons to have your business name present in title tag, but that should not be by default. If you use your business name be sure to think through the reasoning and make sure it's sound. The limitations of the title tag make using your business name something you do only with great care and consideration. I'll discuss this more in a bit.
List of Keywords: Wanting to get your keywords in the title tag makes it tempting to just try to throw as many in there as you possible can. "Beauty | Makeup | Makeovers | Diet | Healthy Skin." Sure that gets all your keywords in there but does nothing to make someone want to click on the result. This means that (gasp!) you have to use keywords sparingly so you can also make the title something worth clicking on.
Lack of Description: Aside from getting your primary keywords in the title, and making it compelling, you also have to make sure the title tag provides enough of a description of the content to ensure it gets a targeted click. No sense having someone click into the site only to find the information on the page isn't what they expected. Make sure that the title describes the content in a compelling and keyword friendly way.
<Meta name="description" content=" " />
<Meta name="keywords" content=" " />
Meta Description and Keywords
The Meta Description tag will often show up in the search results. Generally what you see in the SERPs is the clickable title link and then the description tag or page snippet just below it. If the description is pulled in to the results, it becomes a very important part of helping entice visitors to click on the link into your site. If your description tag fails to properly or adequately tell your visitors whats on the page then it's likely they'll click on another result.The general rule is that you want each of your description tags to be unique. The description should be a 20-40 word summary of what the visitor will expect to find on that page, and that page only. Descriptions for each page should be unique from the next. Make sure you summarize the page in a unique way, using primary and secondary keywords while making it compelling to searchers.
Heading Tags (H1,H2.....)
The H1 and H2 Texts are highly important – Why? They show the search engine the main subjects and Table of Contents for the content to be indexed. Make these keyword friendlyand reflective of your page’s title tag.
<H1>Google sees this text as more important</H1>
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