Yesterday I reported on webmaster chatter around a lot of shuffles in the Google search results and named it Google Search Algorithm Juno Blizzard.
It isn't a massive update, like you'd see with a Penguin refresh but some speculated it might have been a small Panda refresh.
Google's John Mueller and friends, in a Google Webmaster Hangout on Google+ said at 5 minutes and 46 seconds in that the update we reported here was not related to Penguin or Panda as far as they know.
John Mueller said, "I don’t think it is related to Penguin or Panda at the moment," adding that Google makes tons of changes each day so it is hard to say.
Just like the east coast weather reporters were anticipating a huge storm in New York, it turned out to be much less. Here too, the update I thought would be turning into something bigger, seems a lot less. But yes, there are noticeable shifts both in snow accumulations in New York and in the Google search algorithm - but not blizzard type.
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